Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Christmas in July!
Press Release: Wild River is hosting "Care for Kelly" Fundraiser
Wild River® Medford host Care for Kelly fundraiser.
Once again Wild River® steps up to the plate this time to support a struggling family that has been ignored by the state health system.
Medford, OR July 15, 2009: Wild River® Medford, part of the Wild River® Brewing Family, will host a Care for Kelly fundraiser, Wednesday, July 22nd. Wild River® will be donating a portion of all proceeds directly to the family of Kelly Parmenter. Kelly is a former Wild River® employee and long time community resident of the Rogue Valley. Tuesday’s fundraiser will only be at the Medford Location 2684 North Pacific Hwy. (541)773.7487
Kelly Parmenter is a 33 year old wife and mother to two beautiful young daughters Sarah age 10 and Kristen age 12. Kelly became drastically ill about 3 years ago, with rapid severe symptoms that became fully disabling. She urgently worked with doctors trying to understand what was going on, why her body seemed to be fully shutting down. Finally a diagnosis of an untreatable brain tumor was received. For months she could not find a surgeon that would consider surgery. Finally after exhaustive pressure she got a surgeon at OHSU to do a biopsy on the tumor which is on a stalk between the optic nerve and the pituitary gland.
The surgery did little to improve her situation but she was moving forward to getting medications to help restore some life functions. However OHP has denied her the medications that she desperately needs in order to survive with some form of basic life functioning. There are two major prescriptions that are very expensive and not covered. The first is Humatrope Growth Hormone manufactured by Eli Lilly. OHP initially denied coverage of this medicine but with pressure from Kelly's doctor at OHSU they eventually gave her a waiver and begin paying for it; for about a year. Then nearly two months ago, out of the blue she did not receive the shipment, no notice no warning just no shipment. After contacting the pharmacy she found out OHP stopped paying for it. This prescription is over $1000 per month and apparently has severe side effects if you stop taking it suddenly. She could not even begin to pay for the drug even after selling off most of their possessions and maxing out their credit. This is a drug that is not on the formulary and only because an exception had been made was she receiving it. Because she has suddenly stopped taking the drug her health is even more rapidly spiraling downward and will probably be fatal very soon. She does not qualify for assistance from Eli Lilly because she has "Health Insurance" OHP. The second major medicine that OHP will not cover is DDAVP Nasal spray. The manufacture is Bausch and Lomb. She is receiving medication assistance on this one from Sanofi Aventis, however, their limit is 8 bottles out of the 12 she requires every 3 months. OHP also does not cover this one, they never have. It is appx. $100.00 per bottle, and 1 bottle lasts her 1 week. She has used all of her available credit just trying to keep up with the expense of maintaining the difference.
Contributions can be made at Wild River® any time and Evergreen Federal “Care for Kelly” Kelly Parmenter account.
Please find it in your heart to join the Volunteer crew at Wild River® in Medford Wednesday, July 22nd for this incredible opportunity to help someone in our community.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Premium Dark Lager - Session Dark!
Session Lager, by Full Sail, is one of the best lagers I have drank in a long time. I have used this beer as an "introduction beer" for my non-craft beer friends.
Full Sail is now introducing Session Black as the newest member of the Full Sail lineup. A Premium Dark Lager. I hope that by using the Session name, they aren't just hoping to ride on the coat tails of a great beer, but that this dark lager is being named Session because it is a great beer!
Full Sail, if you read this, send me some...otherwise I guess I just have to wait and buy Session Dark when it finally trickles down here to Southern Oregon....
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
National Homebrew Day and the Big Brew
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Rogue Valley Homebrewers March Meeting [Update]
We'll be meeting at Dennis Dye's house (contact me for specfic address) this Thursday, March 19th at 7:00 to judge our first quarter brew, STOUTS (BJCP category 13).
I am currently looking for 3 to 5 people to judge and score the entries based on the 2008 BJCP guidelines (attached). If you are interested in being a judge (no experience necessary) please let me know.
Those of you wishing to enter your stout are asked to provide at least 2 - 12oz bottles for judging along with any additional beer for others to sample.
The winner of the taste off will take home a pint glass signed by Charlie Papazian courtesy of Bob and Grains, Beans and Things.
Those of us not judging will take the opportunity to sample the entries and discuss what makes a good stout.
We will also be voting on next quarter’s ‘taste off’ beer. In January we decided the second quarter beer would be an American Ale (BJCP Category 10). This month we will narrow it to a single sub category. The choices are 10A American Pale Ale, 10B American Amber Ale, or 10C American Brown Ale
Mark your calendars for the following meetings…
March 19th – Stout ‘taste off’
April 16th – everything hops. From how to grow them to hop characteristics and the sampling of our single hopped beers
May 21st – off flavor workshop. This will be a members only event as dues will be used to offset the cost of the off flavor kit
June 18th – Quarter brew taste off.
Monday, March 16, 2009
American Homebrewers Association 10th Annual Lallemand Scholarship!
Lallemand, the makers of Danstar dry yeasts and Servomyces yeast nutrient,
is proud to sponsor the Tenth Annual Lallemand Scholarship for the World
Brewing Academy's Concise Course in Brewing Technology. The partnership of
Lallemand and the American Homebrewers Association has provided nine
previous winners with what can best be described as a trip to 'Beer Heaven,'
the Siebel Institute! The fact that the scholarship is now ready to award
it's 10th recipient only underscores the value of the AHA/Lallemand
partnership, as both organizations continue to demonstrate leadership in
their common mission, ongoing brewer education, resulting in better beers!.
The scholarship is awarded to a member of the American Homebrewers
Association, and provides full tuition to the World Brewing Academy's
Concise Course in Brewing Technology, held at the Siebel Institute in
Chicago, Illinois, November 2 - 13, 2009, and is valued at USD $3,350. The
winner also receives a USD $1000 stipend to assist with travel and
accommodation while in Chicago, one of America's most exciting and vibrant
cities. .
The famous two-week WBA Concise Course in Brewing Technology will provide
students with a comprehensive knowledge of the brewing process, the dynamics
of brewery operations, and socioeconomic issues affecting the industry.
How to Enter
AHA members may enter the contest by filling out the online form at You will need to know
your AHA membership number, which appears on your AHA membership card and on
the address label of your Zymurgy magazine. If you do not know your
membership number or would like to join, e-mail info at,
call 888-822-6273, or visit the membership page at .
The contest entry forms must be submitted by June 9, 2009. Only one entry
per AHA Member will be accepted. Entries will also be accepted in
registration at the AHA National Homebrewers Conference in Oakland, CA, June
18-20, 2009.
AHA members can get an additional entry in the contest by submitting a
ballot for the AHA Governing Committee election, visit All ballots must be
submitted no later than 11:59 pm Pacific Time, March 31, 2009.
Winner Announced
The drawing for the Lallemand Scholarship will take place at the AHA
National Homebrewers Conference in Oakland, CA during the Grand Banquet on
June 20, 2009. The winner must have a current AHA membership at the time of
the drawing to be eligible.
Scholarship Rules
Members of the AHA Governing Committee, Brewers Association Board of
Directors, staff of the Brewers Association, Siebel, Lallemand, and anyone
who has previously been awarded any scholarship to the Siebel Institute are
ineligible. Awarded courses must be completed within one year. Winners must
provide a written statement on their Siebel experiences to the AHA/Brewers
Association/Lallemand/Siebel. Rights to publication of report and
photographs of the winner are granted to the AHA/Brewers Association, Siebel
and Lallemand.
For more information on the Lallemand Scholarship, visit
American Homebrewers Association Lallemand Scholarship and Danstar, or
contact Rob Moline at danstar at .
More information on the WBA Concise Course may be found at , and a
detailed course catalog of all offerings of the WBA is at .
Monday, February 23, 2009
1900% increase in Oregon Beer Tax, HB 2461 Gets a Hearing
The Oregon brewing industry is facing a nearly $50 per barrel increase on beer taxes – an increase of over 1900% – which would make Oregon beer taxes the highest in the country. If House Bill 2461 passes, it could result in the loss of up to 3,400 Oregon jobs and devastate an industry that currently supports 5,200 direct and 10,000 indirect employees.
If you oppose this excessive and unfair tax increase, here are five simple things you can do to make your voice heard:
1. Email the House Revenue Committee –Use the sample letter below and email the members of the House Revenue committee members at .
2. Attend the hearing – On Monday, February 23rd, the House Revenue Committee will be holding a hearing at the state capitol to address House Bill 2461. If 100 Oregon beer enthusiasts attend the hearing it will send a strong message to legislators that Oregonians are clearly against this legislation. Visit to get more details about how to attend the hearing and carpooling options.
3. Make your voice heard – If you won’t be able to attend the hearing and rally at the capitol on Monday, call or email your representative and members of the House Revenue Committee to let them know what you think about the proposed tax increase. You can send your message directly at
4. Get social – The Oregon Brewers Guild has created several social networking applications devoted to connecting consumers opposed to House Bill 2461. These groups are a vital online community and help spread the word when news and events happen. We’re on Facebook ( ) and Twitter (
5. Sign the petition – The Oregon Brewers Guild is collecting signatures for an electronic petition against HB 2461. This might seem self explanatory, but the more signatures we’re able to collect, the bigger the impact on legislators. You can sign it here After you’ve signed it, you can generate additional support by sending a link to your friends and posting the URL on websites and/or forums.
Sample Letter
Here is a sample letter that you can send off to the House Revenue committee, your legislator legislator or send out to your e-newsletter or blog. Please feel free to add in your own experience where it talks about how the tax will affect you directly.
Monday February, 23rd 2009To: Chairman Phil Barnhart
Members of the Oregon House of Representatives Revenue Committee
RE: HB 2461
Oregon is in the middle of an economic crisis, facing major budget deficits and the potential loss of thousands of family wage jobs. Now, more than ever, the public is looking to our government to provide strategic and smart leadership to turn the economy around.
It is neither strategic nor smart to raise the beer tax by more than 1900%; in fact, it would be unwise and harmful to the economy to approve any increase in Oregon's beer tax.
The craft brewing industry has been extremely good for Oregon. Oregon breweries directly employ more than 5,200 people at a family wage; 2,300 of those jobs were created in the last 5 years. For every 1,000 barrels of Oregon brewed beer consumed in Oregon during the past 5 years, more than 30 jobs were created.
This green and entrepreneurial industry - which is built on uniquely Oregon advantages such as agriculture, people, and lifestyle - contributes $375 million to the Oregon economy every year. It does this without receiving state tax breaks or subsidies, while continuing to pay tens of millions of dollars in existing excise taxes.
The proposed 1900% tax increase – from the current tax of $2.60 a barrel to $52.21 - would be the single biggest tax increase on beer in US history, giving Oregon the dubious distinction of having the highest beer excise tax in the country. (Insert information about your Oregon craft beer experience here.)
Any tax increase, and especially the proposed House Bill 2461, would devastate what has been an incredible economic success story for the State of Oregon. At this time and in this economy, our state cannot afford to put more people out of work and harm an industry that is serving Oregon - which is exactly what a tax increase will do.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
This is one reason I love spring time! (Press Release)
(February 18, 2009 – Bend, OR) Why change a good thing? This concept is more than evident in this year's release of spring seasonal Cinder Cone Red, now in its sixth year as part of Deschutes Brewery's seasonal line-up. Deschutes Brewery, best known for its flagship beers Mirror Pond Pale Ale and Black Butte Porter as well as innovative Reserve Series beers like The Abyss, is always looking for ways to improve and amplify its beers, but the intense flavor and bitterness of Cinder Cone Red have proved to be a tried and true favorite.
"Just like grapes and wine, each year the hops we use to brew have slight flavor variations that can affect the final product," says Deschutes Brewery's Principal Brewer Jimmy Seifrit. "We're all really excited for this year's Cinder Cone Red because the Tettnang and Amarillo hops we're using smell amazing, so although we're using the same recipe as previous years we're eager to try the final product."
Cinder Cone Red combines the typical flavors associated with red and amber ales and takes them up a notch with unexpected hop varietals and profiles. The addition of Tettnang and Amarillo hops give this beer an earthy and spicy characteristic with bitter orange, citral and tanic flavors that play off the caramel notes from the malt. Cinder Cone Red owes its distinctive red hue to a delicious combination of crystal malts and blackened barley. Cinder Cone Red takes its name from the cinder cone, also know as "Red Hill," on the northern side of Bend's Mt. Bachelor. Cinder Cone's tell tale red and brown soil is first seen when spring's warmer weather begins to melt the mountain's snow pack.
Although the brewery has received many requests for Cinder Cone Red to become a year-round offering, for the time being its release will be limited from March until May, when Twilight Ale arrives. Cinder Cone Red will be available in 6-packs, 12-packs and on draft at the Portland and Bend Brew Pubs, as well as at restaurants and pubs throughout the Western United States.
5.4% Alcohol by Volume (ABV)
55 International Bitterness Units (IBU)
Food Pairing:
The brewery team recommends pairing Cinder Cone Red with Butternut Squash Ravioli with a Brown Butter Cream Sauce and Fresh Sage.
About Deschutes Brewery:
Overlooking the wild & scenic Deschutes River in Central Oregon, Deschutes Brewery has brewed a family of craft beers since 1988. Starting as a small brew pub serving locals their favorite beers in downtown Bend, Deschutes now sells beer across the western U.S. and has a second brew pub in Portland, Oregon. Over the years, Deschutes has maintained its commitment to innovation and exceptional quality with flagship beers such as Mirror Pond Pale Ale and Black Butte Porter, as well as new additions like The Abyss and Hop Trip. For more information about Deschutes Brewery and its award winning craft beers please visit
Friday, February 13, 2009
S.O.B. Newletter (I love these guys!)
Vol. 09-0213
Personal message from S.O.B.
Since I have your attention, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each
and everyone of you for your support over the last 15 months. We could not have
come as far as we have without you! We would also like to throw out a little challenge
for you to consider. In the next few weeks we would like to ask you to do a couple
of things for us. First, send this newsletter to 2 people who you think might like
craft beer and might like to be on this email list. This is how you help us spread
the word and allow us to keep making your favorite S.O.B. beers. The other favor
I would like to ask takes a little more time and effort. Next time you go into
a bar, restaurant or store ask for and S.O.B. If they don't have it, talk to the
bar or store manager and ask them to get it. If they have one of our beers but
don't have your favorite, ask them to get your favorite. This activity helps to
support us as a local business, helps us create new jobs in your community, and
helps reduce the carbon footprint by promoting local beers. Thanks for your help
and I look forward to seeing you the next time you come in to our tasting room.
In this issue
Economic Stimulus Package
Have Dinner at the Brewery
Cascade Lakes Relay
Southern Oregon Brewing Company
Economic Stimulus Package!
a.k.a. February Specials
Keg Sale: S.O.B. Pale
13.2 gallon kegs usually $125.00
Now $100.00 for the rest of February, while they last.
Fine Print: In brewery/dock sales only
S.O.B. Logo Pint Glasses
Usually $5.00 a piece
Now $6.00 gets you a pint of your favorite S.O.B. beer and a logo pint glass
Food at Southern Oregon Brewing Company
Have you thought about coming to the tap room at S.O.B. and then changed your mind
because we don't serve food? We now have a solution. The Pita Pit, one of Medford's
newest restaurants, will deliver their delicious, fresh flatbread sandwiches, salads
and other goodies directly to your table in the S.O.B. tap room. Now you don't
have an excuse. Just ask our staff for a menu, make the call and your Pita Pit
meals will be on the way. As always, you can bring other food into the tasting
room as well.
Cascade Lakes Relay and S.O.B.
Southern Oregon Brewing Company is very proud to announce that it is the official
beer sponsor of the second annual Cascade Lakes Relay. This is our first big sponsorship
deal and we are really excited about it. Most of you have probably heard about
the Hood-to-Coast Relay? Well this is better! This 216 mile relay traverses the
Cascade Mountains from Diamond Lake to Bend, Oregon through some of the most beautiful
wilderness this state has to offer. As a member of a team that competed in last
year's inaugural run, I can tell you it is an amazing experience that tests you
to your core while you giving you a sense of accomplishment that is hard to explain.
Rugged terrain, extreme elevations, 11 of your closest friends and when you reach
the finish line, you are rewarded with a celebration of food, music and beer! Sound
like fun? You need to run it to understand. Check out their website for info and
pictures from last year's race. I challenge you to put together a team and have
the time of your life! By the way, you don't need to be an Olympic athlete to
do this.
Woodshed Red!
Our spring seasonal has been brewed and is in the final stages of conditioning before
it is ready to be bottled and kegged the end of the month. Expect to see this well
balanced Northwest style Red Ale, which is generously hopped and carries a clean
malt finish, to debut in our tasting room by the end of February. It will be available
in finer restaurants, bars, and stores throughout the state in early March. Woodshed
Red will be a limited release beer and once it's's gone!
Beer Northwest and Vindalho in Portland are teaming up for our first ever beer pairing
Join us February 23rd at 6:30pm for a reception with champagne lager; the multi-course
dinner, expertly paired with Northwest craft beer, will begin at 7:15pm. Interact
with chef David Anderson (featured in the current issue) and get to know the Beer
Northwest crew while satiating your appetite for traditional Indian food with a
Northwest flare.
Tickets are $60 and include beer pairings and gratuity. Seating is limited and reservations
are required.
To reserve your tickets call Vindalho at 503.467.4550 or visit their website
Vindalho is located at: 2038 SE Clinton St., Portland
First Course: Reception
Spicy Potato Samosas with creamy mint chutney
Lamb Kofta meatballs in a tangy red sauce
Spicy Masala Chicken Wings with tamarind yogurt chutney
Paired with: Krait Prestige Champagne Lager
Second Course: Appetizer
Black Pepper and Curry Leaf Prawns
Paired with: Laughing Buddha Mango-weizen
Third Course: Entrée
Pork Vindalho with Saffron Pullao and Crispy Shoestring Potatoes
Carlton pork shoulder braised with chiles, garlic, and vinegar
Paired with: Southern Oregon Brewing Porter
Fourth Course: Dessert
Orance spiced chocolate mousse with a crisp coconut tuile
Paired with: Cascade Brewing Cuvee du Jongleur
Reserve your spot now!
Contact Information
Tom Hammond
Southern Oregon Brewing Co.
541-776-9898 (phone)
541-776-7878 (fax)
541-941-2273 (cell)
Make Amazing Beer!
Have Fun!
Take Care of Your People!
Southern Oregon Brewing Company | 1922 United Way | Medford | OR | 97504
Friday, February 6, 2009
Mirror Mirror Returns! [Press Release]

(February 6, 2009 - Bend, OR) Mirror Mirror, the flavorful brew that officially kicked off Deschutes Brewery's landmark Reserve Series, will be returning to store shelves this April following extraordinary consumer requests and feedback. First released in bottles in 2006, Mirror Mirror is an oak-aged barley wine that has been in production at the brewery for more than 10 months. Mirror Mirror is an inspired version of the brewery's flagship, Mirror Pond Pale Ale, which has been doubled up to barley wine strength, yielding a rich malt base with hints of raisin and oak tinged with the slightest citrus hop aroma.
After its initial release, the brewery kept a small stash of Mirror Mirror in storage, sending a few kegs to a variety of events and festivals and pouring it at its pubs from time to time, where consumers discovered this unique beer, and a loyal following was born.
Eventually, the brewery's stockpiles of Mirror Mirror were depleted, but consumer demand and requests for this groundbreaking beer - not to mention the brewers’ desire to brew it again - ensured another brewing. Although this will still be a limited release, the brewery hopes that every Deschutes fan, old and new, will get a chance to discover this amazing brew.
In true Deschutes fashion, Mirror Mirror has a unique hop character compared to other traditional barley wines. Innovative hop techniques were used to infuse the beer with layers of exotic flavors and aromas. The result isn't hop overload, but instead a layered complexity that will undoubtedly pique the interest of even the most advanced palates.
"This year's brewing will have a more layered and refined oak presence," says Brewmaster Larry Sidor. "I'm really looking forward to this version of Mirror Mirror because it is not only an advancement for this beer, but it also shows the evolution of our knowledge related to barrel aging and how the whole Reserve Series has developed."
All Reserve Series beers, including Mirror Mirror, are available in wax-dipped 22-ounce bottles with a suggested retail price of $11.99. Mirror Mirror will be available on draft at the Portland and Bend Brewery and Public Houses, as well as a few select establishments while supplies last.
11% Alcohol by Volume (ABV)
30 International Bitterness Units (IBU)
Food Pairing:
The brewery team recommends pairing Mirror Mirror with skirt steak in a caramelized shallots red wine jus to balance the strength of the brew.
Cellaring and Tasting Notes:
- Best if consumed after December 2010.
- Best served at 50-55 degrees (not quite room temperature).
- Very complex with high viscosity and multiple layers of flavor.
Overlooking the wild & scenic Deschutes River in Central Oregon, Deschutes Brewery has brewed exceptional handcrafted ales since 1988. Starting as a small brew pub serving locals their favorite beers in downtown Bend, Deschutes now sells their craft beers across the western U.S. and has a second brew pub in Portland, Oregon. Over the years, Deschutes has maintained its commitment to innovation and exceptional quality with flagship beers such as Mirror Pond Pale Ale and Black Butte Porter, as well as new additions like The Abyss and Hop Trip. For more information about Deschutes Brewery and its award winning craft beers please visit
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Superbowl Party at Wild River in Medford [Press Release]
with family and friends!!
The entire bar area will be reserved for viewing, and will be divided
according to team colors.
Free Appetizer platters will be awarded for every touchdown to that
particular team’s fans.
We will also be having contests, prizes, and Pub Menu specials all day.
It is a great opportunity to spend the day enjoying delicious food and
drinks as well as the friendly service of Bob, Medford’s “Bartender
with the Best Jokes”
Wild River Medford
Handcrafted Food and Ale
2684 N. Pacific Hwy
Medford OR 97501
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
2009 Sasquatch Brew Fest Homebrew Competition
Shipping address is 272 Van Buren Eugene Oregon 97402. Prizes will be awarded at the Sasquatch Brew Fest to the top three finishers in the following BJCP style categories:
- Category 8: English Pale Ale
- Category 10: American Ale
- Category 14: IPA
- Category 18: Belgian Strong Ale
- Category 19: Strong Ale
So go brew already!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Flying Dog Challenges Iron City Beer [Press Release]
Going Head to Head
Flying Dog Challenges Iron City Beer
(Pittsburgh) January 15, 2009 – There's nothing friendly about the long standing rivalry between the Baltimore Ravens and the Pittsburgh Steelers. But this week, as the black birds of Baltimore prepare for their big game against their rivals to the west, Flying Dog Brewery has got something – well – brewing.
Frederick, MD based, Flying Dog Brewery is throwing the red flag and challenging Iron City Brewing Company of Pittsburgh, PA – home of the terrible towel – to a friendly wager. The terms? The brewery whose home team goes flat on Sunday must toast the victors with their opponent's beer, while fully clad in their opponent’s gear.
“Everyone knows that our co-conspirator, Hunter S. Thompson was a huge football fan, so in true Flying Dog spirit, we’ve added something a little extra special to this weekends big game,” said Flying Dog General Partner, Jim Caruso. “We admire the fact that Iron City is willing to put their beer where there mouth is. Our should we say our beer where there mouth is?”
About Flying Dog Brewery: Flying Dog is Maryland’s largest brewery and their award-winning “litter of ales” are available in 45 states. The Brewery is in Frederick, MD and is located at 4607 Wedgewood Blvd. Flying Dog’s core values of “purposeful, provocative and irreverent” flow through the veins of the brewery’s founding owners, George Stranahan and Richard McIntyre. George and Richard were friends with the “Gonzo Journalist,” Hunter S. Thompson who coined the brand’s tagline “Good People Drink Good Beer” and with the “Gonzo Artist,” Ralph Steadman, who illustrates the brand’s packaging. For more information, log on to
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Comments on Posts
60 min/90 min/120 min Dogfish Head Ale
So to scratch that itch, I and a friend each got one of the 60 minute IPA, the 90 min. IPA and the 120 min. IPA. These beers and named this way because Dogfish Head has developed a unique way of hopping that is termed "continual hopping". This is essentually a device that drops in hops though out the boil. The longer the boil the more hops added, the bigger the beer becomes.
The 60 minute IPA was nicely crafted, pretty good tasting, not over board in any fashion. It wasn't anything like Pliny the Elder or Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, but a pretty good beer none the less. This is a beer that I would (and likely will) buy again.
The 90 minute IPA was quite a bit stronger. Instead of the 6% ABV of the 60 min. this one was 9% ABV. It was noticably more hoppy but not any more sweet (which is a nice surprise compaired to many of the bigger double IPAs). The fuller body and additional hoppyness of this beer was nicely balanced. I likely won't buy this one again outside of the occasional one or two bottles a year mainly due to cost, not taste.
The true point of this post: the 120 minute IPA. This beer states quite plainly "Ages Well", and I can see why. The hop level is out of this world, and alcohol is very present. One friend described this beer as a "hopped brandy". I can't say he is too far off. Definatly desgined for small tasting glasses, at over 10$ per 12 fl. oz. bottle I would have to say one or two oz is plently.
We served this beer at standard in the fridge for a few hours temps, just below 40 degrees F. As the beer warmed up, so did the evidence of the alcohol level. After a few mintes of tasting and swirling and tasting again it was almost too much for me.
I can't say I would ever buy another one. I think this beer is just too expensive and not really what I would call a great beer...but I can't say this isn't for everyone. I applaud DFH for brewing this and NOT having an overly sweet beer. I commend DFH for putting this to market. Obviously, someone out there likes this beer. Maybe I will too in a year or two when I open the second bottle that I have now stored away in the beer cellar.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Giddy Up!
The taste is very smooth, light belgian yeast taste on the back, with a lemon front from the peel they brew with. the coffee taste was very subdued and almost undetectable from the bottles I tried. It makes me wonder if I already had a mishandled case from the reviews I've gotten online about this beer. commented over twitter that it tastes much more bold at room temperature, as the flavors really stand out. Now I have to find another case and let some warm up in my tasting glasses.
Thanks to my friend BC for the giftmas present of a set of 6 Chimay tasting glasses. And yes I'll be stealing some of the wine tasting glasses my wife got for Giftmas for beer tasting.
now if only I could find some Pinot glasses for my collection, as I see those on the recommendations from Russian River for most of their beers. Giddy up does give a little kick to it, as I was up drinking them very late. :)